You know that moment when life decides to remind you that you’re not in control of anything? Well, here I am again, staring into the face of my old nemesis: FRUSTRATION . It shows up uninvited, kicks down the door, and makes itself at home like it’s been waiting for this moment all along. And what do I do? Nothing. Because the truth is, I don’t know how to handle it. I never have. Oh, but the cherry on top? The well-meaning comments from people around me. “It’ll get better,” “You just have to stay positive,” or my personal favorite, “Everything happens for a reason.” Oh, really? What’s the reason, then? To drive me into a complete meltdown? Thanks, but I didn’t ask for a motivational speech. The Only Solution: Leave Me Alone No, seriously. Just don’t talk to me. Not because I don’t care about you, but because when frustration takes over, my mind stops functioning like a normal human being’s. I can’t think clearly, I can’t process things rationally, a...