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Of Life, I Don’t Want Much—Just Enough to Know I’ve Lived



Life doesn’t always require grandiose ambitions, nor does it promise us endless fulfillment. Often, it is the simplest desires that lead us to a deeper understanding of what it means to truly live. For me, life is about a balance—a quiet acceptance that not everything will be mine, and yet a fierce determination to reach for what matters.

I don’t want much from life. I don’t seek to collect everything, nor do I wish for perfection. What I want is to know that I’ve given myself the freedom to try everything I desired. To embrace opportunities with the passion they deserved, and to walk the path that felt right to me, even when it was uncertain. In the end, success or failure matters less than the fact that I dared. I want to look back and smile, not at the victories, but at the courage to have taken the leap in the first place.

I want to have everything I could. Not in terms of material possessions, but in the richness of experiences, in the wisdom gained from both the triumphs and the stumbles. Having “everything” is less about accumulation and more about appreciation. It is knowing that, within the limits of my time and energy, I have squeezed every drop of joy, love, learning, and discovery from life. I want to look at what I have and feel it is enough—not because I settled, but because I chose to give it meaning.

Love—this, I want deeply. But I want to love only what truly matters, what truly deserves my heart. I want to love with a purpose, with intention, and with a deep knowing that the things I love are worthy of that love. Whether it’s people, passions, or moments, I want to give myself fully only to those things that elevate me, that inspire me, that make me feel alive. And, in loving, I want to experience that rare feeling of knowing that even in its imperfect moments, love is the most powerful thing we can give and receive.

But I also accept that I will lose. Life is, after all, a series of gains and losses. Yet, what I hope is that I lose only what was never truly mine. I wish for the wisdom to understand that some things, some people, some dreams, are meant to pass through my life like the changing seasons. They leave an imprint, yes, but they are not meant to stay forever. And in losing them, I hope to feel not bitterness, but gratitude—gratitude for having had the chance to hold them for even a moment.

At the end of it all, I seek not a life of grandeur, but one of fulfillment. A life where, as I look back, I can say I tried, I had, I loved, and I lost—but in all of it, I found myself. And that, I believe, is more than enough.





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