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My dear young adult... or "Bro"

I must confess, with all due respect and a dash of absurdity, that there’s been a rather epic misunderstanding here. Maybe it’s the fault of my eyes, which noticed your handsome face and even more handsome hair, or maybe it’s WhatsApp’s fault – that little box of surprises where every message can be read as a random interpretation, sometimes incorrect. Anyway, I feel like I’m talking to a deaf person, but in this case, the deaf person’s name is WhatsApp.

You know, it’s nothing personal, but just to clarify things once and for all: I would never have the hots for someone young enough to be my son. Let’s make that clear right now. That would be like having those feelings with a younger version of myself, which, let’s be honest, would-be narcissism at a pretty alarming level. Now, if I call you “dear,” or “bro”, it’s not to hint at any second intentions. It’s more to soften the blow of reality this post might bring. Because, in truth, you are a sweetie – you’ve got that face, that hair, and those eyes – but it goes no further than that.

You see, there are two kinds of people in the world: those with wisdom and those who live in ignorance. The former is a true treasure, the latter, well... not so much. And when it comes to talking to someone who thinks there’s passion where there’s only aesthetic appreciation, I feel like I’m walking between these two worlds. But I’m not here to judge, far from it! If life has taught me one thing, it’s that happy people, or at least people who appear happy, tend to do more foolish things than sad people. But the sad ones, when they do act, make much graver mistakes. We all do foolish things – some big, some small – but all with a mix of charm and tragedy.

As for me, they criticize everything. And when I say everything, I mean literally everything. My behavior, my personality, my way of being – every inch, from head to toe and back again, is subject to gossip and debate. I’ve gotten so used to it that, honestly, all I can do is laugh. Because, in the end, nothing has more power over me than what I choose to let have power. The secret is to laugh at life, at circumstances, and at ourselves because let’s be honest some mistakes are so well-crafted it would be foolish not to fall for them. And this misunderstanding between us? It’s exactly that – a mistake so perfectly made; it almost seems intentional.

But take care of yourself. And when I say take care, it’s because, despite all this comedic discourse, I genuinely want you to be well. I only wish you’d take advice from someone who’s walked a few more miles down this road of life: why take things so seriously when, in the end, life is nothing more than a wild adventure from which none of us will emerge alive?

So, “bro”, go and live. Live without the weight of misunderstandings and misplaced affections that have no reason to exist. And remember life is meant to be enjoyed with a smile, preferably a smile that gets the joke.

 PS: I forgot to mention your broken nose and your beautiful Cnamon Xd 




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