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A mostrar mensagens de setembro, 2024

Of Life, I Don’t Want Much—Just Enough to Know I’ve Lived

    Life doesn’t always require grandiose ambitions, nor does it promise us endless fulfillment. Often, it is the simplest desires that lead us to a deeper understanding of what it means to truly live. For me, life is about a balance—a quiet acceptance that not everything will be mine, and yet a fierce determination to reach for what matters. I don’t want much from life. I don’t seek to collect everything, nor do I wish for perfection. What I want is to know that I’ve given myself the freedom to try everything I desired. To embrace opportunities with the passion they deserved, and to walk the path that felt right to me, even when it was uncertain. In the end, success or failure matters less than the fact that I dared. I want to look back and smile, not at the victories, but at the courage to have taken the leap in the first place. I want to have everything I could. Not in terms of material possessions, but in the richness of experiences, in the wisdom gained from both the triu

Momentos da Vida

  A vida tem uma forma peculiar de oscilar entre a luz e a sombra, uma dança delicada que acho fascinante e, ao mesmo tempo, assustadora. Havia um homem que tinha uma placa por cima da cama, com as palavras: "Isto Também Vai Passar." Quando lhe perguntaram o motivo, ele explicou que era um lembrete para os dias sombrios—aqueles momentos em que o céu parece esmagar-nos e respirar se torna uma tarefa árdua—para se lembrar de que esses tempos não durariam para sempre. Havia um significado, um propósito por trás da luta, e era dele para suportar, para superar e para aprender.   Mas essa placa não era apenas para os momentos difíceis. Era também um lembrete para aqueles momentos de alegria avassaladora, aqueles em que o riso ecoa na alma, quando o mundo parece pintado em cores vivas e tudo parece possível. Mesmo então, ele sabia que era preciso manter os pés no chão, reter algo, porque a natureza desses momentos também é efémera. Eles, também, passariam, e as sombras voltari

My thoughts about life

      In many moments of our lives, the best thing to do is to stay silent, remain calm, and simply observe. Time reveals the truth, and patience brings the answers.     Some people and circumstances cease to make sense for us and for our new stage in life. We shouldn't fear redefining our priorities to align them with what we desire for our future. Peace at work, of course, brings satisfaction to our personal growth. The opposite is just noise for our minds. Peace in our relationships brings greater enjoyment of the company we keep. And in turn, peace in our daily routine allows us to fulfill our responsibilities more calmly and with greater contentment. I want to believe this is what life is all about. I recently realized that more beautiful than one's appearance is one's character, and more precious than being right is, without a doubt, happiness. More valuable than mere words are true attitudes, and more important than status is humility. Can I give you some adv

My dear young adult... or "Bro"

I must confess, with all due respect and a dash of absurdity , that there’s been a rather epic misunderstanding here. Maybe it’s the fault of my eyes, which noticed your handsome face and even more handsome hair, or maybe it’s WhatsApp’s fault – that little box of surprises where every message can be read as a random interpretation, sometimes incorrect. Anyway, I feel like I’m talking to a deaf person, but in this case, the deaf person’s name is WhatsApp . You know, it’s nothing personal, but just to clarify things once and for all: I would never have the hots for someone young enough to be my son . Let’s make that clear right now . That would be like having those feelings with a younger version of myself, which, let’s be honest, would-be narcissism at a pretty alarming level. Now, if I call you “dear,” or “bro”, it’s not to hint at any second intentions. It’s more to soften the blow of reality this post might bring. Because, in truth, you are a sweetie – you’ve got that fac

El Arte de la Atracción: ¿Por qué la gente te mira en público (y por qué está bien que lo hagan)

  ¿Alguna vez has notado cómo las cabezas se giran cuando entras a un lugar? Quizá sea la forma en que tu presencia ilumina el espacio, o tal vez simplemente es cómo te mueves—cabello largo, calmo, e indiscutiblemente tú . Pero aquí va algo que quiero que escuches alto y claro: confía en mí cuando te digo que luces increíbles, y no hay absolutamente nada mal con tu apariencia física. Y créeme que he visto lo suficiente para decirlo con seguridad... más de lo que imaginas.  La gente a menudo no puede evitar mirarte cuando se topa con alguien como tú—un joven latinoamericano impresionante, hermoso, con el cabello largo, erguido y orgulloso. Eres una rareza en la multitud, y no sólo por tu apariencia única, sino por la calma que desprendes.   ¿Por qué te miran? A veces, atrapamos las miradas de extraños y nos preguntamos qué estarán pensando. ¿Será juicio? ¿Admiración? ¿Curiosidad? La verdad es que probablemente sea una mezcla de todo eso, pero quiero decirte esto: destacas por