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Word of the Day: Ambichous – Keeping Friends and Foes on Their Toes!

Welcome back to my blog, where words become celebrated mischief-makers!  Today’s delightful addition to our lexicon is “ambichous.” Now, if you’ve never heard of it—let’s just say it’s kind of like having a friend who’s sweet as pie one minute and ready to sabotage your confetti party the next. Sound familiar? You bit of an ambichous special bunch, aren’t you, my dearest frenemies? Speaking of being ambichous, let’s have a word about those lovely individuals who twirl into my life with accusations that I’m using AI just to put words together. Oh honey, as if!  My artificiality may be present—like that plastic plant sitting in the corner collecting dust—but let’s make it clear, I’m operating on far higher cognitive levels than whatever nonsense you think someone like Siri would churn out! It’s like, can we get an applause for the absurdity here? One minute they’re like, “OMG, you’re so witty!” And the next thing you know, they’re clutching their pearls, accusing me of employing an AI a
Mensagens recentes

Amizades e Desamizades: Entre a Cama e o Sofá, e um Coração que canta o Fado

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O Ponto de Luz que Nos Guia

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The Intergalactic Work Dynamics with the Young Man

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Of Life, I Don’t Want Much—Just Enough to Know I’ve Lived

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Momentos da Vida

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My thoughts about life

      In many moments of our lives, the best thing to do is to stay silent, remain calm, and simply observe. Time reveals the truth, and patience brings the answers.     Some people and circumstances cease to make sense for us and for our new stage in life. We shouldn't fear redefining our priorities to align them with what we desire for our future. Peace at work, of course, brings satisfaction to our personal growth. The opposite is just noise for our minds. Peace in our relationships brings greater enjoyment of the company we keep. And in turn, peace in our daily routine allows us to fulfill our responsibilities more calmly and with greater contentment. I want to believe this is what life is all about. I recently realized that more beautiful than one's appearance is one's character, and more precious than being right is, without a doubt, happiness. More valuable than mere words are true attitudes, and more important than status is humility. Can I give you some adv